Working with own manufacturing

By Ann-Christin Pålsson, Johan Widheden, Johan Tivander & Ulrika Palme

The work with your own manufacturing is usually the starting point in the work towards sustainability in your value chain. This is usually where you have the best knowledge on how to work with improving the performance and the best possibilities to achieve it, and before determining how to work with other parts of the chain it is preferable to have knowledge of the impact from your own operation. For example, it is generally not credible to put requirements on your suppliers that you do not fulfil yourself.

The work with own manufacturing can include tasks such as: 

  • Continuous improvements of the sustainability performance of the production, for example by implementing environmental management systems (EMS)
  • Measurement and follow-up of performance
  • Development of the production process, in terms of e.g. new production methods and integrating sustainability aspects into this work
  • Securing occupational health and safety
  • Using code of conducts


At the subpages, some examples are given as to how AkzoNobel and SCA is working with own manufacturing.

Continuous improvements & environmental management system:

Measurement and follow-up

Development of the production process

Securing occupational health and safety

Code of conducts